My friend Marcia and her husband Ralph were in town this weekend with Ralph's parents for a Marine Corps weekend tour of D.C. & Quantico. Ralph's dad is a retired Marine. They invited me to go with them to the Evening Parade that's held every Friday night at the Marine Barracks downtown (who knew?). It was AMAZING. I love the tradition and honor that's displayed. There were a lot of retired Marines there, who were saluted by every Marine who walked past us. During a time when so many people are anti-war, it's so nice to feel patriotic and spend an evening celebrating this great country surrounded by men and women who are proud to serve. I have the utmost respect for them all...I can't even put it into words. I got all choked up every time the crowd stood and clapped & cheered for the Marines as they marched past. The event lasted just over an hour and included performances by the U.S. Marine Band, the U.S. Marine Drum & Bugle Corps, the Marine Corps Color Guard, the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon and the Ceremonial Marchers. We even got to hear the Drum & Bugle Corps play Ode to Joy with the cannons! My all-time favorite part was definitely at the very end when the bugler played Taps (which always gets to me), while standing on top of the barracks in the darkness with a single spotlight on him. Incredible.

From the Marines website..."The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon is a 24-man rifle platoon that performs a unique precision drill exhibition. This highly disciplined platoon exemplifies the professionalism associated with the United States Marine Corps. The Marines execute a series of calculated drill movements and precise handling of their hand-polished, 10 and one-half pound, M-1 Garand rifles with fixed bayonets. The routine concludes with a unique rifle inspection sequence demonstrating elaborate rifle spins and tosses. "

At the end of the night, Ralph took my picture with a really HOT Marine. I'll post it once they send it to me. I'll definitely be going back to check this out again! :) This was the best time I've had in a while! I LOVE MARINES!
Ah, yes, men in uniforms. Brings me to my knees everytime. I've often thought, "I wonder if Chase could be an accountant for the Navy?" But alas, it isn't to be...
So, thank you for calling me to blog repentance, Sara. I've stayed up too late reading these (and I'm pregnant so that should give you double guilt), but I consider it my duty as your woefully misguided blogging friend. Adieu.
I think we all love a man in uniform...don't know why! That parade sounds amazing. I always get teary at those kinds of things too and feel like a dweeb! What's up with you taking Russian and when are you going there?
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