Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bad Knees

Okay, I've accepted the fact that I've been cursed with bad knees. Even before I broke my patella in high school, I've never been much of a runner because of my knees. As I've gotten older and embraced my knee issues, I've learned what exercises work to strengthen the muscles around my knees. I've learned that swimming helps and the elliptical machine at the gym is my friend. The treadmill and aerobics class are NOT good for me.

Well, when I joined Marriott, I was thrilled to find out that there was a gym in the building. The previous few months of stress-eating (due to having to make career decisions) and the many "farewell lunches" when people left Ford left me without much of a wardrobe...nothing fit anymore. Plus, I've been hit with the "once you hit 30" curse. My body has definitely changed the way it distributes fat. And to top it off, my brother's wedding is in August and my bridesmaid (an entire other tangent) dress is very unforgiving. So, I made a decision to work harder at exercising and eating right. I started going to the gym after work and I cut back on sugar and ate more veggies, fish and fiber. Things were going well, I was feeling healthy and had more energy. My clothes started to look better and I started to hate my body less.


The dreaded "phantom knee problem" has returned. My right knee (formerly known as "my good knee) has decided to rebel. Big time. It started with a little swelling after a workout. I iced it down, took some Advil and thought I'd be fine. That was almost 2 weeks ago. A few days after that, it decided to randomly give out on me throughout the day. So I pulled out an old Ace knee brace for some support. All the while walking past the gym on the way out of work, wishing I was in there sweating away the pounds. Today's the first day it's felt somewhat normal (knock on wood) and I'm wearing heels. The real test will be walking in the 5K Race for the Cure on Saturday. If I can make it through that, I may be ready to head back to the gym. Wish me luck!!!

P.S. If anyone has any good weight loss tips, feel free to pass them along!!! I need other options besides starving myself! :)


Anna@Exasperation said...

Yeah, I'm totally anti-starving. Not that you didn't know that. Anyway, if I'm trying to be good I cut back on sugar and dedicate myself to the 5-a-day concept. It works to at least get me healthier. I also try not to eat after dinner. I eat dinner with the kids, so it's pretty early, and then I try not to eat again until breakfast. Of course, I break all of those things when I'm pregnant, so I'm no use to you right now.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, you don't want dieting advice from me...getting married packs on the pounds because he's stuck with me no matter what my weight and I can eat what I like!! I was soooo close to making you happy today even though it would have derailed your diet plans. I didn't know we had a Rocky Mountain Chocolate store up the road and they had chocolate covered gummi bears! I was so excited but then remembered you wanted cinnamon. They don't have those! I'll keep looking!!