Thursday, May 31, 2007
Bad Knees
Well, when I joined Marriott, I was thrilled to find out that there was a gym in the building. The previous few months of stress-eating (due to having to make career decisions) and the many "farewell lunches" when people left Ford left me without much of a wardrobe...nothing fit anymore. Plus, I've been hit with the "once you hit 30" curse. My body has definitely changed the way it distributes fat. And to top it off, my brother's wedding is in August and my bridesmaid (an entire other tangent) dress is very unforgiving. So, I made a decision to work harder at exercising and eating right. I started going to the gym after work and I cut back on sugar and ate more veggies, fish and fiber. Things were going well, I was feeling healthy and had more energy. My clothes started to look better and I started to hate my body less.
The dreaded "phantom knee problem" has returned. My right knee (formerly known as "my good knee) has decided to rebel. Big time. It started with a little swelling after a workout. I iced it down, took some Advil and thought I'd be fine. That was almost 2 weeks ago. A few days after that, it decided to randomly give out on me throughout the day. So I pulled out an old Ace knee brace for some support. All the while walking past the gym on the way out of work, wishing I was in there sweating away the pounds. Today's the first day it's felt somewhat normal (knock on wood) and I'm wearing heels. The real test will be walking in the 5K Race for the Cure on Saturday. If I can make it through that, I may be ready to head back to the gym. Wish me luck!!!
P.S. If anyone has any good weight loss tips, feel free to pass them along!!! I need other options besides starving myself! :)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Rolling Thunder
On Sunday we headed into D.C. after church with two other friends for the Rolling Thunder event. For those of you who aren't familiar with Rolling Thunder, here's some info from the newspaper...
"It's all part of the annual Rolling Thunder Memorial Day tradition. U.S. Park Police said over 300,000 bikers from all over the nation rallied Sunday. The event began early Sunday at the Pentagon, with a thunderous parade to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and out to the National Mall. The parade, now in its 20th year, is intended to provide moral support for troops. The ride began as a post-Vietnam protest of American POW/MIA policy and has blossomed into an annual rally drawing thousands of bike-mounted veterans from across the country. The patriotic display is usually mostly made up of Vietnam vets in their 60s, but some elderly Korean War veterans and even some younger ones who served in Iraq and Afghanistan were seen Sunday."
It's quite a moving event. If you ever get the chance to come to D.C. for Memorial Day, I highly recommend it. It's amazing to see all the bikes and talk to the big, burly, tattooed biker dudes, who are very tenderhearted and love their country and each other. They're like a big family and they support each other fiercely.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Music from one of the coolest people I know in real life...

Monday, May 21, 2007
New Music
"Martin Sexton is ripe with ... raw, expansive talent. His voice comes in a hundred impossible shades. His songs are sweet and spirited and soulful. His repertoire is like a cross-country tour of the American musical vernacular." – Boston Globe
"Martin Sexton is one of the most talked-about recent arrivals to the "new folk" acoustic music scene. The guitarist, singer and songwriter has an amazing vocal range and makes effective use of it in his live shows. Unlike so many other contemporary singer-songwriters, his vocal style can best be described as soulful, combining the best qualities of singers like Van Morrison, Al Green, Aaron Neville and Otis Redding." -- AOL Music
Besides my new musical discovery, the weekend was pretty laid back and relaxing. I slept in, got my hair cut, ran some errands, re-watched The Office season finale (SO GOOD), went to church and we had a potluck last night. It was a fun weekend. My weeks are so busy lately...I love it when I don't have that much to do on the weekends! I've discovered I watch too much TV. Tivo is wonderful, but dangerous. I get home from work, class, whatever and then I have to catch up on TV. Tonight there are THREE season finales that I'll be watching (Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor & Heroes)...pathetic! I'm kind of glad that the summer is full of reruns...I'll be outside more! I'm looking forward to the upcoming long weekend. I'm excited that I'll be in town this year for Rolling Thunder's "Ride for Freedom"! Last year there were an estimated 250,000 bikes in attendance. It's a very cool event. I'll try to get some good photos to post!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Spirit to Serve
My group was sent to the "old homestead" where we cleared trees, sticks, weeds, leaves, etc. from a very old foundation that was discovered a few years ago. They're hoping to get funding to excavate the area and do more research to find out what was there and how old it is. Here we are after clearing the area.
And here's a photo of a little baby fox we discovered near the site we were clearing if I get better photos, I'll post them). She followed us around a bit (we had to be careful not to touch her) and then took a little nap. When we left, we heard (and our guide saw) mama fox come and get her.

Friday, May 11, 2007
My friend Marcia and her husband Ralph were in town this weekend with Ralph's parents for a Marine Corps weekend tour of D.C. & Quantico. Ralph's dad is a retired Marine. They invited me to go with them to the Evening Parade that's held every Friday night at the Marine Barracks downtown (who knew?). It was AMAZING. I love the tradition and honor that's displayed. There were a lot of retired Marines there, who were saluted by every Marine who walked past us. During a time when so many people are anti-war, it's so nice to feel patriotic and spend an evening celebrating this great country surrounded by men and women who are proud to serve. I have the utmost respect for them all...I can't even put it into words. I got all choked up every time the crowd stood and clapped & cheered for the Marines as they marched past. The event lasted just over an hour and included performances by the U.S. Marine Band, the U.S. Marine Drum & Bugle Corps, the Marine Corps Color Guard, the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon and the Ceremonial Marchers. We even got to hear the Drum & Bugle Corps play Ode to Joy with the cannons! My all-time favorite part was definitely at the very end when the bugler played Taps (which always gets to me), while standing on top of the barracks in the darkness with a single spotlight on him. Incredible.

From the Marines website..."The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon is a 24-man rifle platoon that performs a unique precision drill exhibition. This highly disciplined platoon exemplifies the professionalism associated with the United States Marine Corps. The Marines execute a series of calculated drill movements and precise handling of their hand-polished, 10 and one-half pound, M-1 Garand rifles with fixed bayonets. The routine concludes with a unique rifle inspection sequence demonstrating elaborate rifle spins and tosses. "

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A new love...

Here's a little Russian for you all!
Привет мои друзья! Я тоскую без Вас всех!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Dave Matthews - Stuck On You
I've been listening to a lot of DMB lately (in preparation for the summer/fall tour!) and I stumbled across Dave singing this Elvis cover that was too great not to share! Enjoy!