Do yourselves a favor and listen to this incredible song. Then go out and buy (or download) the CD. You can thank me later...
He's gorgeous. And not too big, Just right for me. We bonded a bit and Bishop Johnson wants us all to come often to help get these horses ready to be ridden. I'm game! I don't realize how much I miss interaction with animals until I'm around them. My camera battery died, or I would have had more photos of us riding the other horses, Billy, Freddy and Dallas (who I bonded with big time!). We went out to the fields and enjoyed the great views while riding. I'm definitely a city girl, but I also love the chance to be outside, dirty and riding horses! I'm anxious to go back!!!
Here are some more photos of the horses including Samson, the horse Staci chose. He's in a lot of the photos because he's the pushy Alpha male who always managed to be front and center!
Saturday was Gabe & Lauren's wedding reception at the LeMont in Pittsburgh. It was a beautiful day and the view of the city was amazing! Aren't they a gorgeous couple?!? Congrats to them as they start their life together!
I also went up to Erie for a couple of days to see Eric & Gina's new house (it's SO nice) and to celebrate Josefina's 2nd birthday. I got her a new baby w/a stroller and she loved it!