Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Back to Blogging

Yes, it's been a long time since I've blogged. Things have been busy. First it was the holidays (which were was nice to be home for over a week and see friends & family). Then it was work. Then it was work again. And it's still work. I can't believe it's almost the end of February already! Yes, work is busy, but I'm really not complaining. I have a job. That's a huge blessing. I found out today that Ford had yet another round of layoffs this week. I'm so grateful I made that hard decision to leave 2 years ago. I've had great opportunities with Marriott and I hope that continues.

If you're interested in checking out what's been consuming my life for the past 3 weeks, go to We have our event at headquarters on Tuesday and then it's onto the next project. Though I think there will be a week or two of breathing room first!

I did manage to find time last weekend to go into D.C. to the National Archives to see the display of the Emancipation Proclamation. They had it on display for Lincoln's birthday. I'm sorry to say I'd never been to the National Archives, so we stuck around to see some other amazing documents...the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. They we headed over to the National Gallery of Art (one of my favorite places to go) to see the Dutch Cityscapes exhibit (which was AMAZING). We finished off the afternoon with some gelato. YUM.

Here are some photos from the afternoon...

The actual last page with Honest Abe's signature.

Entire Emancipation Proclamation
Declaration of Independence

"We the People..."

Bill of Rights

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